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Welcome to my personal blog. I'm a retired Chief Petty Officer with a wonderful wife and three challenging kids. This is my space to express my thoughts, share some stories and shed some light on the crap that is being fed to the American public. I hope you'll continue to stop by, check up on what's going on here and share your thoughts.

"Any man who may be asked ... what he did to make his life worthwhile, I think can respond with a good deal of pride and satisfaction, I served in the United States Navy" President John F. Kennedy, August 1963


If Congress and the President Refuse to Listen.

If the current congress continues to ignore the 300,000 plus people who attended tea parties last week President Reagan might just come back from the grave and give this address to the nation in 2012.


The year is 2012 - Ronald Reagan assesses our circumstances after almost four years with Barack Obama in the oval office.

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